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Everything was militarized during the Second World War, including the household economy. Women became "housoldiers" whose job was to prepare "appetizing and nourishing meals that protect and preserve the health of their families."

Active Service Revue 1943_0.pdf
Four ensembles, the Originals, the London Life Troupers, the Tweedsmuir Revue, and the London Little Theatre, performed to entertain men and women in uniform and raise funds for the Citizens Auxiliary War Services Committee.

Come on Housewives Sock Him Again! Scrap Metal Campaign Advertisement

In this recruiting poster, members of the Canadian Women's Army Corps (CWAC) march alongside the ghostly image of French medieval military heroine, Joan of Arc. French- and English-language posters often used the same images, but different messages.…

Royal Canadia Air Force Women's Division (WD) recruiting poster. Title: She serves that men may fly : Enlist today in the R.C.A.F.

Careful You Can’t Tell Who Has It!: sensitivity campaign against venereal disease.

Careful! You Can't Tell Who Has It!

By 1943, the growing size of the armed forces threatened to deplete human resources in essential industries such as agriculture and industry, leading to vigorous recruitment drives in each sector. Equating female agricultural workers and riveters…

The Maritime Cookbook pt 1.pdf
Originally intended to commemorate the Royal Visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to Canada in 1939, the book was not published until after the Second World War began. Among the contributors were Lady Tweedsmuir and Eleanor Roosevelt.

This poster depicts a large dagger, the symbol of the 3rd Victory Loan campaign, as well as a group of men and women looking upwards.
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